Monday, March 12, 2012

Guinness World Records

Hello crafters and travelers, I'm back!

I miss blogging, (urgggh!).

Some of you might know that I reviewed in Baguio City for my  Nursing Board Exam and I worked for 2 months in Cavite, that's why I failed to post here regularly. Who among you guys knows about the newest Guinness World Record largest ten commandments?  

That ten commandments is just walking distance from my boarding house in Baguio.  Sometimes during our review we need to unwind, because reviewing is a such stressful thing.  Since I know a place in Baguio City which is called the abandoned Diplomat Hotel where horror things happen, I invited my friends to have a tour there.  Not knowing that there is a new building inside the compound of that hotel, and that is the Largest Ten Commandments in the World. 

Here it is Check it out.

Interact with me in twitter:!/lorealjoie
See you in youtube: 

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