1. Scrapbookpresentations
- In this website you will find some great printables for your scrapbook pages. They are categorize in terms of their kind so it is easier for you to find what you are looking for. They also have free fonts.
2. Mrprintables
This site has a lot to offer. Perfect for family scrapbook ideas. They even have printables that you can use for your child's learning process.

3. Kevinandamanda
- This site is AMAZING!! It really helped me a lot in blogging, scrapbooking and even in photography. They are offering FREE fonts that you can install in your laptop that you can use in your scrapbook. They even have massive tutprials for all your needs.
4. Bisous.biz
- They have free printables, they share so much ideas to make better scrapbook/cards/tags. Their products are also good.

5. Everything-about-scrapbooking
- The best tips for scrapbooking that I found, specially for beginners like me. Go check it out and you'll never regret.
6. scrapbookscrapbook
- Some of the papers that I used in my TP roll project are from here. I had so much fun in browsing this site, the papers are categorize nicely and it is so easy to download and print. This is really my favorite site.
7. Lakwatsera de Primera
- The best site about traveling! I really really love it! This site inspired me to explore places specially those places that are in remote areas. They offer tips on how to go to a place safely and cheaper.
8. Making Handmade Cards
- I love this site! after subscribing to this site I receive a newsletter that contains free printable and a video tutorial. The subscription is completely free! You just need an email add and a password and woolah your free printable will be sent to you!
That's it my favorite websites. If you guys have favorite websites too, post your blog link here and I will also visit your blog! Thank you for reading!
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